
Netflix's Death Note

A few days ago I decided to watch the new movie Death Note produced by Netflix. As a fan of the anime and manga, and having watched the Korean live-action drama that was produced a few years ago, I was excited to see an American take on it, especially because the CGI used to make Ryuk in the Korean one bothered me because it looked too CG and not real enough to balance with the actors in that series, I was optimistic about what us Americans could produce. Now, before the movie was released, I had heard some grumblings about how they changed up the characters, and by extension the city where it took place (it went from Japanese characters in Tokyo to American characters in Seattle), but I wasn't too concerned with that, because it was done well with the American remake of Let the Right One In (American version is Let Me In ) and Rec ( Quarantine ).  In both of those, the characters were changed from their originals and the setting was changed from either Stockholm ( Let the Ri...

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